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balance December 7, 2017

News from The Newsette

The Newsette The Bliss Between

Good morning y’all! I want to share a new website with you, The Newsette. They’ve been putting out an awesome morning newsletter for a while now (go here to subscribe), but the website is BRAND SPANKING NEW! It’s so awesome, because it not only gives you current news for the day, but it also gives you access to past Newsette newsletters. Why would you want…

balance Love July 31, 2017

Women Empowering Women: Is it Real?

The movement of women empowering women has skyrocketed in my social media lately. All of the sudden, we’re all #girlbosses looking out for each other and #womensupportingwomen. And I can’t help but wonder… is it genuine, or is it just trendy to pretend? First off, let me say that I WANT it to be real. I hope it is. At the very least, I hope…