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balance November 5, 2018

Holiday Hot Cocoa

The Bliss Between holiday

One of my very favorite ways to get in the holiday spirit is by snuggling up with a mug of hot cocoa. I especially love drinking it on nights when I watch Christmas movies. The chocolatey goodness combined with the twinkling lights on my tree never fail to put me in the holiday spirit! Tonight I got creative in front of the stove, so I’m…

Trend March 28, 2018

I Tried Wantable. Should You?

Wantable The Bliss Between

Subscription boxes are all the rage right now. You can get everything from clothes to dog toys, from beauty products to coffee beans, delivered right to your doorstep every month. They’re perfect for people who like to try new brands (and have a disposable income!). And once you start down the subscription box path, it’s easy to get addicted (trust me, I know from experience).…

balance March 15, 2018

Flatten your tummy

The Bliss Between

Swimsuit season is approaching and crop tops are still in style this year (what?), so lots of us are kicking it into high gear with our workouts and nutrition. Or you know, if you’re like me, at least thinking about kicking it into high gear, haha. But wait, Erin, are you telling me I need to look perfect in a swimsuit? Obviously not. There’s a…

balance Love January 21, 2018

Kindness of Strangers

the bliss between

Earlier this week, I came home to an envelope in my mailbox with just, “Rachel (?)” written on the outside. No address, no stamp… this envelope had clearly been delivered by hand. Given that my name is not, in fact, Rachel, I first wondered if it was even meant for me. Then I had a brief flash of, “omg what if it’s anthrax or a…

balance Love November 16, 2017

Are you feeling joyful?

Are You Feeling joyful the bliss between

Just a quick post, because I want to share something that happened last night. Remember my most recent post about Raising Your Vibration? Well, the coolest thing happened last night: (ps- go check out that post if you haven’t, it provides some background for the story I’m about to tell.) Feeling Joyful I was at the yoga studio, just tidying up some things, walking around…

balance November 10, 2017

Raise your Vibration

the bliss between

It’s Autumn. The days are getting shorter, and the temperatures are falling. It’s time to talk about raising our vibrations. Vibrations are not a concept solely for hippies or new-age, crystal-wielding weirdos. It’s for everyone (really). But what does it mean, exactly, to raise your vibration? What do people mean when they say they’re “vibrating at a higher frequency”? For the longest time, I didn’t…

balance September 25, 2017

Infrared Sauna: what + why + how

infrared sauana the bliss between

Have you tried an infrared sauna yet? They’re all the rage right now– celebrities are raving about them, and people are running around shouting their benefits like Tom Cruise on Oprah’s couch. Do they live up to the hype? Curious and considering trying one, but aren’t sure what to expect? No worries– I’ve tried it, and I’m going to fill you in on all the…

Bend August 23, 2017

adventures in yoga: SUP Yoga

Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga

There are so many new ways popping up to experience yoga… Surely you’ve seen the videos of baby goat yoga on your social media feeds? Then there’s nude yoga, yoga raves, and karaoke yoga, to name a few. On the other end of the spectrum, there are so many old ways to experience yoga that I’ve never tried either… inyengar, ashtanga, kundalini… and I want…

Love August 7, 2017

You are NOT an idiot… stop calling yourself one

The Bliss Between

How many times a day do you call yourself an idiot? When you drop your phone on the ground? When you make a wrong turn? How often do you tell yourself you did something stupid? Maybe when you try to pay for coffee with your driver’s license instead of your debit card? Or perhaps when you accidentally put your cashmere sweater in the dryer? We…

Trend August 1, 2017

Love List: August

A round-up of all the things I’m loving this month. Because let’s face it– while happiness cannot come from material goods alone, sometimes they can help make your life better, easier, or prettier! And that’s something to be happy about. Enjoy!   Mira White Granite Water Bottle I have been carrying this gorgeous water bottle around with me everywhere! It’s one of those double-walled, stainless…